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解继丽  扶斌 《学术探索》2014,(1):148-152
波兰尼提出了缄默知识,为人类对知识的认识提供了新的视角,引起了人们的广泛关注和相关的深入研究。本文从谱系学的角度,在这种分类方法的基础上提出"缄口知识",并对教师"缄口知识"与缄默知识、教育潜规则、教育习俗进行比较,从认识论、微观政治学和价值论的视角,分析了教师"缄口知识"存在的合理性,并提出研究教师"缄口知识"有利于认识教师个体知识、解释微观教育现象和推进教育改革发展。  相似文献   
This study explored whether and how family relationships and social connections influence depressive symptoms of older migrants and older adults in transnational families using the data gathered from a cross-sectional survey in Los Angeles, California, United States, and Beijing, China. Regression results showed that the older migrants reported significantly higher levels of depression than the elders in transnational families. The findings highlight the importance of maintaining close family relations and having large friendship networks for older adults in international migrant families.  相似文献   
翻转课堂能提高项目式笔译教学效果,翻转课堂的实施离不开网络环境的支撑。常用学习管理系统有各自的优缺点,Canvas平台相比常见学习管理系统具有其独特的优势。Canvas平台支持下基于翻转课堂的项目式笔译教学模式分为教师教学过程和学生学习过程。基于此教学模式开展的《中国酒店网页简介英译》项目式教学个案展示了此类教学的全过程,能够给教学实践以参考。  相似文献   
近年来,贵州社会管理创新取得了一些成效,其主要经验是强化中国共产党在社会管理创新中的领导地位,发挥政府在社会管理创新中的主导作用,创新内容要关注民生。尽管如此,贵州社会管理创新还存在社会矛盾化解机制不健全、基层政府社会管理力量薄弱、社会组织培育机制不健全等问题,应通过完善源头治理机制、改革基层社会管理体制、优化社会组织培育机制等途径来解决。  相似文献   
幼儿社会性的发展是在不断地社会交往中得以实现的,在纷繁的社会大环境中,不同的职业角色组成了一个个相对独立而又密切联系的单元,幼儿在成长的过程中逐渐加以熟悉和了解,其最初的职业意识来源于对父母职业的认知,渐渐地他们从游戏体验中尤其是通过职业角色的体验,对不同角色进行扮演,萌发自我对职业的意识,习得一定的交往技能,其社会性得以不断地发展。  相似文献   
This article evaluates the association between remittance outflow (RMO) and economic growth in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The results of this evaluation indicate that RMO Granger creates gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in three countries, namely, Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia. Similarly, the results for causality from GDP per capita to RMO are significant for four countries, namely, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. The findings differ from those of the household consumption model, stating that higher RMO will decrease economic activity. GDP per capita is the main determinant of RMO, suggesting that economic growth promises and encourages continuous RMO and vice versa. The adverse impact of RMO can be minimized by encouraging the local population to be productive in the private sector, as local productivity will reduce the huge influx of foreign workers and provide valuable local investment opportunities to lessen the amount being remitted.  相似文献   
Although trust is long known to be critical to predict behaviors in a charitable context, little research has examined trust damage and its effects on giving behavior. Trust damage is an intermediate state between trust and distrust, rather than a simple reversal or extension, and can change over time. Our research explores individual donor’s trust damage through a dynamic evolution. Across the longitudinal survey, we conclude that the trust damage of pre-giving, giving, and post-giving stage plays different roles in the decision-making process. Trust damage does not play a direct role in the giving intention, but it can indirectly affect giving intention through its impact on perceived benefit and perceived risk. Individual donor’s satisfaction has a strong effect on post-giving trust or continual trust damage, which in turn positively affects future giving intention and behavior. Several important insights for practitioners in the nonprofit sector are also discussed.  相似文献   
乡村振兴时代,我国农村建设工作在广度、深度、力度和精准度方面达到新的水平,农村地区的生产生活条件改善明显,但村民致富工作仍面临一些困境.基于安徽省T县致富情境的调查研究发现:在致富机制方面,脱贫致富长效不足,致富机制有待改进;在致富环境方面,服务设施支撑薄弱,发展模式尚需创新;在治理主体方面,农村居民"志""智"有限,致富内生动力不足;在增收致富方面,产业扶持效果欠佳,持续发展支撑缺乏;在帮扶资源方面,帮扶力量结构单一,社会资源有待开发.乡村振兴时代要实现农村经济稳定持续发展,还需强化顶层设计、更新致富机制,优化致富环境、推动区域发展,实施志智双扶、激发内生动力,发展产业扶持、拓宽增收门路,创新帮扶格局、融合社会力量等,以构筑农村经济发展长效机制,化解致富困境.  相似文献   
谢凡  杨兆庆 《西北人口》2015,(1):85-90,96
本文建立一般均衡模型分析了环境规制如何影响劳动生产率。主要包括:一方面环境规制的实施能够提升环境质量改善劳动者身体健康从而对劳动生产率产生影响;另一方面企业将遵循环境规制的成本部分地转移给劳动者从而导致劳动生产率的变化。在理论分析基础之上以京津冀2000-2012年的面板数据进行联立方程组模型分析,研究表明:环境规制对劳动生产率存在着负面影响,且这种影响具有一定的时滞性;工资与身体健康水平对劳动生产率都有正面的影响,但在本研究中环境规制通过工资渠道对劳动生产率的影响并不明显;京津冀三个地区的环境规制水平还不足以改善污染水平从而促进劳动生产率。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、实地观察法、访谈法等研究方法,对荆楚理工学院体育舞蹈的教学现状进行了调查。结果表明该校存在体育舞蹈师资力量薄弱,场地器材缺乏,科研氛围不浓等影响体育舞蹈教学的原因,提出了构建体育舞蹈教学教学目标、内容体系以及改革评价方式的一系列教学改革策略。  相似文献   
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